当前位置:首页 > 试验机中心 > 『特殊定制非标专用新型科学研究试验机』100kN管接件弯曲力矩试验系统Bending Moment Test System for Pipe Fitting
来源:www.jn-syj.com 发布于:2018/12/21 16:57:11 点击量:
GB 5135.11;Automatic Sprinkler System Test;hrjtest.com;Grooved Couplings and Fittings Test;Fire Protection Automatic Sprinkler Systems Test;Requirements and Test Methods for Grooved-end Components;ISO 6182-12-2014;Steel Pipe Systems Test;Standard for safety rubber gasketed fittings for fire-protection service;fourth edition;Pipe Couplings and Fittings for Aboveground Fire Protection Systems;jnshiyanji.com;Hydrostatic Strength Test;Bending Moment Resistance Test;Rotational Bending Moment Resistance Test;Hot Gasket Test;UL 213;Cold Gasket Test;Leakage Test-Assembly without Gasket;Friction Loss Determination Test;FM 1920;Seismic Evaluation Test;UL 213-1;Manufacturing and Production Tests;Bending Moment Tables;Rotational Bending Moment Tables;Steel Tube Joining Tests;Roll Joining Tests;