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    来源    发布于:2016/2/2 9:23:06    点击量:

    Computer Control Bone screw torsion testing machine 
    →不同螺纹型式骨科植入物(深螺纹 浅螺纹、全螺纹、半螺纹、对称螺纹、不对称螺纹)、不同螺纹代号和标称直径(HA/HB/HC/HD1.5-8.0mm) 骨科植入物;
    →外科植入物surgical implant;无源外科植入物non-active surgical implant;
    →骨结合用外科植入物non-active surgical implant for osteosynthesis;
    →YY0341-2009骨接合用无源外科金属植入物通用技术条件General technological requirements for non-active metallic surgical implementations for osteosynthesis;
    →YY0018-2008骨接合植入物 金属接骨螺钉Implants for osteoporosis- Metal bone screws;
    →YY/T0662-2008《外科植入物 不对称螺纹和球形下表面金属的金属接骨螺钉 机械性能要求和试验方法》Implants for surgery-Metal bone screws with asymmetrical thread and spherical under-surface-Mechanical requirements and test methods;
    →YY/T0727.1-2009外科植入物 金属髓内钉系统 第1部分:髓内钉Implants for surgery-Metal intramedullary nailing systems--Part1:Intramedullary nails;
    →YY/T0509-2009(ASTM F2502)《生物可吸收内固定板和螺钉的标准要求和测试方法》Standard specification and test methods for bioabsorbable plates and screws for internal fixation implants;
    →ISO 6475《外科植入物.带有不对称螺纹和球形下表面的金属接骨螺钉.机械要求和试验方法Implants for surgery-Metal bone screws with asymmetrical thread and spherical under-surface-Mechanical requirements and test methods》;
    →ISO5835外科植入物.不对称螺纹的六角头球面颈金属骨螺钉.尺寸Implants for surgery; metal bone screws with hexagonal drive connection, spherical under-surface of head, asymmetrical thread; dimensions;
    →ISO9268外科植入物.具有锥形下表面头部的金属接骨螺钉.尺寸Implants for surgery; metal bone screws with conical under-surface of head; dimensions;
    →ASTM F543金属医用骨螺钉通用要求和测试方法《Standard Specification and Test Methods for Metallic Medical Bone Screws》;
    →ASTM F116 医疗用螺丝刀Standard Specification for Medical Screwdriver Bits;
    接骨螺钉性能检测中心 医疗器械检测实验室         接骨螺钉扭矩强度试验
    0.5N.m~50N.m Computer Control Bone screw torsion testing machine;
    Testing Machine Manufacture
    Jinan Heng Rui Jin Testing Machine Co.,Ltd

    HRJ-Testing machine 品牌试验机 济南恒瑞金


济南恒瑞金试验机有限公司 :弹簧试验机-弹簧拉压试验机-电子万能试验机 鲁ICP备 05016148 号
Jinan HengRuiJin testing Machine Co.,Ltd.
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