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    ONORM EN 13597 Rubber Diaphragms For Pneumatic Suspension Springs

    来源    发布于:2019/8/21 15:31:32    点击量:

    ONORM EN 13597 Rubber Diaphragms For Pneumatic Suspension Springs;Rubber Diaphragms For Pneumatic Suspension Springs;Railway Applications-Rubber Suspension Components;Inspection and test methods;General test conditions;Definition and preparation of test pieces;Verification of the resistance to operating conditions;Low temperature Tester;Oil and petroleum product Tester;Cleaning product Tester;Abrasion Fire behavior Tester;Verification of physical characteristics;Appearance of diaphragms in new condition;Appearance of diaphragms under extreme horizontal deformations;Adherence between plies;HRJ Spring Tester Pressure resistance;Air-tightness Tester;Fatigue resistance Tester;Burst resistance Test;Verification of geometrical and dimensional characteristics;Overall dimensions of diaphragms in relation to axial static force;Overall dimensions of diaphragms in relation to radial deformation;Overall dimensions of diaphragms in relation to axial deformation;HRJ Spring Tester Verification of functional characteristics;Characteristic "internal pressure versus axial static force";Axial isobar characteristic Test;


    300kN Air spring Vertical Stiffness Tester;100kN Air Spring Horizontal Stiffness Tester;

    100kN Air Spring Transverse Stiffness Tester;300kN Air Spring Two Dimensional Stiffness Tester;

    1000mm/min Air Spring Horizontal Stiffness Test;Air spring Transverse Stiffness Test;300kN Auxiliary spring Vertical Stiffness Tester;300kN Air Spring Pressure Height Tester;1.6Mpa Air Spring Load Internal Pressure Test;-200~+1000mm Air spring Long Displacement Tester;0.0001Mpa Air Spring Air Tightness Test;

    ONORM UNI NS EN 13597;ONORM NS EN 13913Ed.1;JIS E 4710;JIS E 4206;JIS K 6385;CNS 10067;CNS 10068;KS R9222-2014;KS M 6726-2016;KS M 6745;GTCC-030-2016;JB/T11563-2013;GB/T13061-2017;TB/T2841-2010; HG/T3749;QB/T2577;TB/T2843-2015;

    Rubber air springs Tester;Railway Applications Rubber Suspension Components Tester;Air spring for railway vehicle;General technical specification for elastic parts for railways;Air spring for railway rolling stock-Rubber bellows;HRJ Spring Tester Elastomeric based Mechanical Parts;Specifies characteristics that elastomeric based mechanical parts shall achieve;together with applicable inspection and test methods to be carried out for verification;Applicable to elastomer based mechanical parts designed to be fitted on railway vehicles and similar vehicles running on dedicated tracks with permanent guide systems;Railway rolling stock-Rubber vibration isolators General requirement;HRJ Spring Tester Vibration-absorbing air spring round-shaped mounting for machine tool;Technical specification of air spring used for air suspension of commercial vehicle;Rubber Vibration Isolators for Main Motor and Driving Gear Suspensions of Railway Rolling Stock;Railway rolling stock Rubber vibration isolators General requirement;Rubber Vibration Isolators for Diesel Engine Suspensions of Railway Rolling Stock;Rubber vibration isolators for main motor and driving gear suspensions of railway rolling stock;General rules of rubber vibration isolators for railway rolling stock;HRJ Spring Tester;China Spring Tester;Asia Spring Tester;World Spring Tester;Various Spring Tests;Testing Machines Manufacturer;Tester Service Center;Tester Fittings Supply Center;Test Accessories Design Manufacture Center;Special Test Accessories Center;Material Tester Attachment;Material Tester Fixture;HRJ Testing Machine;



济南恒瑞金试验机有限公司 :弹簧试验机-弹簧拉压试验机-电子万能试验机 鲁ICP备 05016148 号
Jinan HengRuiJin testing Machine Co.,Ltd.
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