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    100kN钢制螺旋弹簧压力试验机jnsyj Steel Helical Spring Compressive Tester

    来源    发布于:2020/5/12 16:20:05    点击量:


    tanhuang 鎷疯礉.jpg


    100kN机车悬架弹簧试验机;;100kN铁路线径弹簧试验机;200kN动车组弹簧刚度试验机;铁路V型弹簧试验机;车辆弹簧疲劳试验机;300kN空气弹簧二维刚度试验机;100kN车辆缓冲弹簧试验机;100kN热卷压缩弹簧试验机;转向架构架强度试验机;TB/T2211-2018机车车辆用压缩钢制螺旋弹簧;TB/T3143-2018机车车辆密接式车钩缓冲装置;GB/T23934-2015热卷圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧技术条件;TB/T3549.1-2019机车车辆强度设计及试验鉴定规范;HRJ Tester;JB/T7796-2017弹簧拉压试验机;TB/T1959铁道货车摇枕、侧架静载荷及疲劳试验;JIS B 2704-1:2018;JIS G4801;JIS E 4206;TB/T3105.1;TB/T3105.2;TB/T3105.3;TB/T3105.4-2014;BS EN 10089;EN 13298;EN 10270-3;EN 10270-2;JIS G4801;;JIS E 4206;ASTM A689;ASTM A125-2013;AAR M114;UIC 822 Ed.5;;AS 2903;ISO 8458-3;DIN 2099-3;DIN 2099-1;DIN 17221;GB/T1222-2016;JJG(铁道)153;UIC 515-4;AAR M202;AAR M203;

    Steel Helical Spring Compressive Tester;Railway Spring Compressive Tester;Vehicle Spring Tension Compressive Tester;Vehicle Spring Fatigue Tester;Bolster Spring Tester;Static load and fatigue tester;bolster and side frame for railway freight car;;Bogie Coil Spring Tester;Helical Coil Spring Tester;Railway Rolling Stock Tester;Spring Creep Testing Curve;Tower Type Spring Tester;Hot rolled steels for quenched and tempered springs;Spring steels tester;Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Bars for Springs;Hot Rolled Steels For Springs Suitable For Quenching And Tempering;Technical Specification For The Supply Of Helical Compression Springs;HRJ Tester;Hot Or Cold Coiled For Tractive And Trailing Stock;Hot formed helical compression springs;Tight-lock coupler and draft gear for railway passenger car;Helical springs for railway rolling stock;Steel wire for mechanical springs;Stainless spring steel wire;Oil hardened and tempered spring steel wire;helical compression and extension springs-requirements for design,performance test method;Helical springs made of round wire and rod;Information to be given in order to obtain the cold formed compression spring required;Tension and compression spring testing machine;;Railway Bogie Coil Spring Tester;Helical Coil Spring Tester;Mechanical Spring Tester;Spring buffer Tester;Spring bumper Tester;Hydraulic Spring Compressive Tester;Automobile Leaf Spring Compressive Tester;




济南恒瑞金试验机有限公司 :弹簧试验机-弹簧拉压试验机-电子万能试验机 鲁ICP备 05016148 号
Jinan HengRuiJin testing Machine Co.,Ltd.
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